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- Addison Reserve
- Boca Bath & Tennis
- Boca Bay Colony
- Boca Chase
- Boca Falls
- Boca Villas
- Boca West
- Bocaire CC
- Boynton Beach
- Broken Sound
- Broken Sound CC
- Century Village
- Delray Beach
- Estancia
- Highland Beach
- Hillsboro Beach
- Jupiter
- Lauderdale by the Sea
- Lighthouse Pointe
- Lotus
- Mizner Country Club
- Parkside
- Polo Club
- Royal Palm Yacht CC
- Santa Barbara
- Saturnia
- Seven Bridges
- St Andrews CC
- The Bridges
- The Oaks
- The Sanctuary
- Woodfield Hunt Club
why choose
Carmino Real Realty, LLC is owned by L. Real Estate Broker Tamara Aristy. After years of investing in real estate, she created a company for profit and PURPOSE! To save customers thousands of dollars in real estate commissions and provide outstanding customer service, focusing on combining marketing strategies that WORK, the latest technology, and the most effective traditional methods to sell your home for more money.
From Tamara: My customers are my primary concern. People close to me say I am tenacious, driven, and focused. My drive comes from years of success in buying and selling investment properties. Because I enjoyed those transactions, it became a natural next step for me to become a realtor, open my real estate brokerage, and do everything possible to begin assisting others in the process.